My name is Tom Heerschop, I live and work in Eindhoven.


About Tom

Tom draws. He needs to, he wants to.

Already at an early age, some people know what they are about. Not what they want to become, but what they are. Tom draws. He has been drawing all his life. His source is life itself. His work flows from his hand. It cleans the grit from his veins. It sweeps along his body. He is at its mercy.

For his drawings, Tom uses many different formats. He always works on paper and with a diversity of drawing materials: pen, pencil, paint, ink, marker. The stream of work that pours from his hands marks the intensity with which Tom experiences and perceives life. With head, hands and heart.


Tom’s work is often autobiographical. In many drawings, Tom lifts the lid off his head and shows us its contents. For ten years, he was tortured by a benign tumour in his head. This puts everything under pressure, in Tom and in his family. His drawings are silent witnesses to the situation. His recurring self-portraits form a diary against this background of an imagination plagued by illness.


When he is 13 years old, Tom has an accident; with his right hand – up till then his writing and drawing hand -, he falls through a window pane. Several main nerves are cut and from then on, Tom has to write and draw with his left hand. His right hand largely recovers, but develops its own gesture. In many drawings, Tom’s hands are present in the image as a kind of signature. They appear to represent Tom’s urge to work.


A drawing is never sketched out in advance, but is always conceived in the process. From the centre of the paper, Tom’s hand goes to work. What it draws comes straight from the heart, and that which appears can stay. This process gives the drawings their open, communicative character. The drawings are crowded by people, animals, plants and animated things. Sometimes, we only see amorphous elements, pulsating life by means of subtle shadows or swelling forms.


Tom’s work is often presented in such a way that you cannot escape. We are confronted with a scroll drawing of 9 meters long, or with a wall filled with linked drawings. If we want to get a full view, we cannot stand still. In the same way they pour out from Tom, they overflow us. The images, the stories. Together, they resonate in the room and present us with a world in which resilience, humour, intense emotions and distant observation are equally potent.

Tom’s Background

Tom Heerschop (1972) grows up in Bussum, Venlo and Eindhoven. From 1991 to 1996, he studies at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie and subsequently, from 1997 to 1999, at the Sandberg Instituut in Amsterdam. He acquires several grants and from 2003 to 2008, he makes a tremendous start with a number of exhibitions. Tom’s work is purchased for a number of corporate collections and enjoys great private interest. Several of the exceptional textile works Tom makes in the course of these years are included in a retrospective of contemporary textile artists in the textile museum.

Due to his illness, he is forced to slow down for several years. In 2008, a benign tumour is discovered in Tom’s head. A heavy operation and a long recovery follow. After that, a new and slow trajectory starts of learning to work with the limitations of the Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) caused by the tumour. During this period, Tom’s work maintains its intensity and the handwriting of his imaginative perception is unaffected.

Recently, Tom’s work has been on show at exhibitions and fairs. Tom also works on commission of and in collaboration with companies and private parties. Tom is a member of the Dutch Society of Drawers. Through this website, a larger audience in the Netherlands and abroad can get acquainted with his work.

Watch Tom’s TedX video

Read an interview with Tom in Folks Magazine



Solo Exhibitions
2021 Drawing performance (Lisse Art Museum, NL)

2020 The Never Ending Drawing part 1, Langart Gallery (Amsterdam, NL)

2016 Not everything is so black and white, ronlangart (Amsterdam, NL)

2008 Small drawings, Metis_NL (Amsterdam, NL)

2007 Metis_NL (Amsterdam, NL)

2005 Kunstrai, Metis_NL (Amsterdam, NL)

2005 ”Prikkels: Pijn & Pret”, Gallery Erasmus, Erasmus MC (Rotterdam, NL)

2004 Metis_NL (Amsterdam, NL)

2003 PapaverStudios (Amsterdam, NL)

1997 Made in Heaven (Utrecht, NL)

Group Exhibitions

2021 Every drawing is a conversation, with Dutch Society of Drawers (De Kunstplaats Leerdam, NL)

2021 Biënnale Dutch Society of Drawers (Studio Pulchri, The Hague, NL)

2021 Dutch Design Week (Eindhoven, NL)

2021 Tekenkabinet (Amsterdam, NL)

2019 Stad in Zicht, Current drawings and pictures of Amsterdam, with ao Susanna Inglada, Ina van Zyl, Emo Verkerk City Archive Amsterdam

2017 ARTIST FIRST | paper only, with ao Kinke Kooi, Han Schuil, Marisa Rappard (Amsterdam, NL)

2017 Closer to the sun, ronlangart (Amsterdam, NL)

2017 Father, Mother, Daughther, Son, with ao Akiq AW, Silia Ka Tung, Pacific Place (Amsterdam, NL)

2017 Wanderings of the mind, ronlangart and Mette Samkalden (Amsterdam, NL)

2016 Tekenkabinet (Amsterdam, NL)

2016 Kunstroute – self portraits (Broek in Waterland, NL)

2015 VBCN 10 jaar jong, with ao Wouter van Riessen, Witteveen space (Amsterdam, NL)

2014 ronlangart, with Guglielmo Castelli, Charles Vreuls (Amsterdam, NL)

2014 Amsterdam-drawing, with ao Heske de Vries, ronlangart (Amsterdam, NL)

2012 PUBLIC/PRIVATE, Gemeente Museum (The Hague, NL)

2008 Art Amsterdam, with ao Hans v/d Ham, Metis_NL (Amsterdam, NL)

2008 Kennedy v/d Laan, with Kim Habers, Pieter Bijwaard (Amsterdam, NL)

2007 Traag with oa Pietsjanke Fokkema, Arti at Amicitae (Amsterdam, NL)

2006 GEBORDUURD, with ao Berend Strik, Michael Raedecker, Textile Museum (Tilburg, NL)

2005 Artisima with David Bade, Ronald Zuurmond, Metis_NL (Turin, IT)

2005 Art Rotterdam, with Vilma Henkelman, Norbert Schwontkowski, Nan Hoover (Rotterdam, NL)

2004 Maurits v/d Laar, with Robbie Cornelissen, Frank Jan v/d Laan (The Hague, NL)

2004 Summer of Drawings, Central Art museum Utrecht (Utrecht, NL)

1999 De Indruk, with ao Teun Hocks, Gert Jan Stam, Rini Hurkmans, Amsterdam museum (Amsterdam, NL)

1997 Ruimte Teken, with oa Gijs Assmann, Karin van Dam, Stichting Zet, Veemvloer (Amsterdam, NL)

1996 Kamper Kunstprijs, with ao Karin van Dam, Paul Nassenstein (Kampen, NL)

1996 Home is where the heart is, with ao Juul Kraijer, gallery Made in heaven (Utrecht NL)


2021 De stadstekenaars van Amsterdam – Chroniquers van het wel en wee van de stad (kM, najaar)

2020 Is onze maag toleranter dan ons hoofd? Guest at Mangiare (interview, NPO Radio 1)

2020 Podcasts Verhalen op je bord door Tom Heerschop and Mart Jeninga

2020 Spreads of drawings made by Tom Heerschop as City Artist Amsterdam (January, March, May, August, October) in Het Parool

2020 Even lang kijken als hij eraan werkte (interview, text by Maarten Moll for Het Parool)

2020 Is onze maag toleranter dan ons hoofd? Op atelierbezoek bij Tom Heerschop (text by Alex de Vries for Mr. Motley)

2020 Tom Heerschop Stadstekenaar 2020 (news item, City Archive Amsterdam)

2016 The Art of Coping with Brain Injury (interview, text by Carey Dunne for Folks Magazine – https://folks.pillpack.com/art-coping-brain-injury/

2014 Metropolis M, Amsterdam Drawing, Puur en eerlijk (article)

2013 UMC st Radboud, about Tedx Nijmegen, ideeën kunnen de wereld veranderen, text by Jannie Meussen & Marjan Wassenaar (article)

2013 Tedx Nijmegen, Youtube (video)

2008-2013 Kennedy van der Laan media reports (images by Tom Heerschop)

2008 Financieel dagblad, Art Amsterdam kunst met kartelrandjes, text by Edo Dijksterhuis (article)

2007 Revisor (cover and images by Tom Heerschop)

2007 Textiel Plus, Borduren, borduurde, geborduurd, text by Ciska Jonkers (article)

2007 Solo at Metis_NL, text by Robbert Roos (catalogus)

2006 Trouw, Borduursel ontdaan van tuttig imago, text by Liesbeth den Besten

2006 NRC NL, De ernst van borduren, text by Sandra Smets (article)

2006 Geborduurd, text by Louise Schouwenberg (catalogus)

2005 JULIET art magazine, Tom Heerschop, text by Anna D’Agostino (article)

2005 Rotterdams Dagblad, Vogels met gemene tanden, text by Sandra Smets (article)

2004 Volkskrant, Maandag gesloten, Tekenen en schilderen zijn terug, text by Marina de Vries (article)

2004 Flash Art, Pittura contaminata, dalla strada al successo, text by Luca Beatrice (article)


City Archive Amsterdam
Art Foundation AKZO Nobel
Aegon Art Collection
Art Foundation ABN AMRO
Rijnstate Art collection
Rattan Chadha Art Collection
Erasmus MC Art Collection
AVRO Art Collection
The Collection of Contemporary Drawings from the Province of Utrecht
Art foundation Kennedy Van der Laan
CBK Amsterdam / Rotterdam / Dordrecht

And other private collections in the Netherlands and abroad


2002 startstipendium Fonds-BKVB Amsterdam
2004 basisstipendium Fonds-BKVB Amsterdam
2008 basisstipendium Fonds-BKVB Amsterdam


Contact Tom

Tom likes to talk about his work and is interested in working together or on commission. For information, personal contact / a meet-up in his studio, the purchase of a work or discussion of a private commission:


Studio at Sectie-C: Daalakkersweg 6-16(1)
5641 JA   Eindhoven
+31 6 364 888 24

The photographer of Tom’s work:



4 Glas in lood lijkende ramen

project SPEEL | Ingekleurd door 400 mensen in het Stedelijk Museum Breda



2 maanden residentie kloosterhotel Zin in Vught

Residentie kloosterhotel Zin in Vught (2 maanden) met fraters van Tilburg en alle andere bewoners, bezoekers & personeel van het bezinningshotel van het landgoed.



4 drawings

75 x 37,5 cm

Drawings inspired by patron saints;
color pencil, acrylic paint, ink



6 drawings

Two sizes: 120 x 90 / 60 x 45

City Artist Amsterdam
Tom studies the importance of food in Amsterdam.
Color pencil, acrylic paint, ink, ink stamps

Accompanying podcasts ‘Verhalen op je bord’.


2017 –

11 drawings

150 x 75 cm

The Never Ending Drawing;
color pencil, acrylic paint, ink



3 drawings

120 x 60

Triptych Growing Pains of the City
Commissioned by City Archive Amsterdam
Color pencil, acrylic paint, ink



64 drawings

Different sizes

Serie of black and white drawings that started with a 9 metres long panorama triggered by the terrorist attack at Charlie Hebdo in january 2015;
black markers


2012 – 2014

28 drawings

74 x 106 cm

Serie of drawings made while recovering from illness;
color pencil, acrylic paint, ink


2001 – 2007

14 works

Different sizes

Textile works made over the years 2001-2008 reflecting important family events;
textile materials


2007 – 2008

20 drawings

42 x 29 cm

Serie of drawings telling three stories: The helping hand / Better times to come / Spot;
color pencil, ink and acrylic paint


2007 – 2008

50 drawings

5 x 5 cm

Serie of drawings made in commission of lawyer’s office Kennedy Van der Laan;
color pencil, ink and acrylic paint


2007 – 2008

64 drawings

29 x 21 cm / 21 x 14 cm

Serie of drawings made in commission of lawyer’s office Kennedy Van der Laan;
color pencil, ink and acrylic paint


2007 – 2008

69 drawings

42 x 29 cm

Serie of drawings made in commission of lawyer’s office Kennedy Van der Laan;
color pencil, ink and acrylic paint



15 drawings

220 x 115 cm

Serie of drawings made for a solo presentation at METIS_NL;
color pencil, acrylic paint and ink



46 drawings

70 x 98 cm

Serie of drawings made for a solo presentation at KunstRAI Amsterdam;
color pencil, acrylic paint and ink



44 drawings

90 x 72 cm

Serie of drawings made for a solo presentation at METIS_NL;
color pencil, acrylic paint and ink



52 drawings

90 x 72 cm

Serie of drawings made for a solo presentation at the Papaver Studios;
color pencil, felt-tip pen, acrylic paint


2000 – 2001

192 drawings

42 x 30 cm

Serie of drawings from a stream of consciousness;
color pencil, felt-tip pen, acrylic paint



148 drawings

36 x 55 cm

Diary about a depression (“a drawing a day keeps the doctor away”);
acrylic paint, marker



52 drawings

28 x 51 cm

Diary about awakening parenthood; acrylic paint, ink, pencil, fineliner



32 drawings

28 x 38 cm

Serie of drawings based on images from the news;
pencil, ink and acrylic paint



64 drawings

29 x 21 cm

Serie of drawings from a stream of consciousness;
color pencil and felt-tip pen drawings



45 drawings

29 x 21 cm

Serie of self-reflective drawings;



84 drawings

28 x 38

Cartoon like drawings;



13 drawings

29 x 21 cm

Serie of drawings scanned and sent to friends by a fax machine;



41 drawings

29 x 29 cm

Holiday diary;
paint marker and marker



10 drawings

73 x 110 cm

Third serie of color pencil drawings about the process of making drawings



28 drawings

27,5 x 18,5 cm

Second serie of drawings about the process of making drawings presented at the Rietveld final exam exhibition;



17 drawings

Different sizes

First serie of drawings about the process of making drawings;
